Top 10 Dart Packages You Should Be Using Right Now

Are you a Dart developer looking for the best packages to use in your projects? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 10 Dart packages that you should be using right now. These packages will help you write better code, increase productivity, and make your life as a developer easier. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

1. Flutter

If you're a Dart developer, chances are you're already familiar with Flutter. Flutter is a UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It's fast, easy to use, and has a growing community of developers. With Flutter, you can create beautiful, responsive UIs that run at 60fps.

2. Dio

Dio is a powerful HTTP client for Dart that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and handle responses. It supports features like interceptors, FormData, file uploading, and more. Dio is also highly customizable, allowing you to configure it to fit your specific needs.

3. RxDart

RxDart is a reactive programming library for Dart that makes it easy to work with streams. It provides a set of operators that allow you to transform, combine, and manipulate streams in a declarative way. RxDart is a great choice if you're building applications that rely heavily on streams, such as real-time data feeds or chat applications.

4. GetIt

GetIt is a simple yet powerful dependency injection library for Dart. It allows you to easily manage dependencies in your application, making it easier to write testable and maintainable code. With GetIt, you can register dependencies, retrieve them, and even lazy-load them when needed.

5. Equatable

Equatable is a library that makes it easy to implement value-based equality in Dart. It provides a simple way to compare objects based on their properties, rather than their identity. This is especially useful when working with complex objects that have many properties.

6. Intl

Intl is a library for internationalization and localization in Dart. It provides a set of tools for formatting dates, times, numbers, and messages in a way that's appropriate for different locales. With Intl, you can easily create applications that support multiple languages and regions.

7. Flutter Bloc

Flutter Bloc is a state management library for Flutter that makes it easy to manage complex UI states. It provides a set of tools for creating and managing stateful widgets, as well as handling user events and asynchronous operations. With Flutter Bloc, you can create applications that are easy to maintain and scale.

8. Flutter SVG

Flutter SVG is a library that allows you to use SVG images in your Flutter applications. It provides a set of widgets that can render SVG images, as well as tools for converting SVG files to Flutter code. With Flutter SVG, you can create beautiful, scalable vector graphics in your applications.

9. Flutter Local Notifications

Flutter Local Notifications is a library that allows you to send local notifications to users in your Flutter applications. It provides a set of tools for scheduling and displaying notifications, as well as handling user interactions. With Flutter Local Notifications, you can create applications that keep users informed and engaged.

10. Flutter Secure Storage

Flutter Secure Storage is a library that provides a secure way to store sensitive data in your Flutter applications. It uses the platform's secure storage APIs to store data in an encrypted form, making it difficult for attackers to access. With Flutter Secure Storage, you can create applications that protect user data and privacy.


There you have it, the top 10 Dart packages that you should be using right now. These packages will help you write better code, increase productivity, and make your life as a developer easier. So, what are you waiting for? Start using these packages in your projects today and see the difference they can make!

Additional Resources - service mesh in the cloud, for microservice and data communications - building digital twins - cloud data warehouses, cloud databases. Containing reviews, performance, best practice and ideas - kubernetes management - A list of the best strategy games across different platforms - zero trust security in the cloud - A site for learning the flutter mobile application framework and dart - shacl rules for rdf, constraints language - machine learning platforms, comparisons and differences, benefits and costs - SQLX - A community for rust programmers - declarative languages, declarative software and reconciled deployment or generation - A roleplaying games metaverse site - machine learning classifiers - personal knowledge management - managing databases in CI/CD environment cloud deployments, liquibase, flyway - knowledge management and learning, structured learning, journals, note taking, flashcards and quizzes - statistics - deep dive lectures, tutorials and courses about software engineering, databases, networking, cloud, and other tech topics - running simulation of the physical world as computer models. Often called digital twin systems, running optimization or evolutionary algorithms which reduce a cost function

Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed